Lafayette Elementary
Lafayette Elementary School provides a rich academic program in a culturally diverse environment. Students benefit from individualized opportunities made possible by a comprehensive Gifted and Talented focus program. This program is designed to provide personalized instruction for identified gifted students and advanced programming for academically talented students. A full-time Gifted and Talented Coordinator works directly with students, teachers and parents to design educational experiences based upon identified strengths and talents. The staff is committed to providing differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students, including second language learners and children with special needs. A character education program, class meetings, Peace Place and leadership groups for students foster a positive school climate. Preschool classes, Full-Day Kindergarten, and the School Age Childcare (SAC) program offer additional options to families at our school. Lafayette Elementary is a nurturing neighborhood school and a diverse, inclusive and exciting place to learn.
Program Characteristics
Lafayette Elementary School serves a wonderfully diverse population, providing a unique multicultural learning environment. We offer authentic academic opportunities, a strong sense of community, and a feeling of belonging for each child.
Our school-wide focus on Gifted and Talented programming provides support for identified gifted students through differentiated instruction in the classrooms, flexible skill grouping, curriculum compacting, and acceleration. Enrichment opportunities are available for all students in the visual and performing arts, and through clubs, competitions, and interest groups.
Several special programs support students with unique learning needs at Lafayette Elementary School. In addition to a special education resource program for children with learning disabilities, our multi-intensive program supports children with multiple physical and educational needs. All of these programs are supported by highly trained specialists including a school psychologist, a speech language therapist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, and skilled para educators. Both programs work through a school-wide inclusion model to support students with special needs in meeting their Individualized Education Plans (IEP) goals.
Additionally, we offer a preschool program and support for students who are leaning English. We offer academic and multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) opportunities for all students who would benefit from these reinforcements. Through this layered approach, our goal is to personalize learning and emotional supports for all students. The extra support and services we wrap around students helps them achieve at their highest potential. Lafayette offers school-aged childcare (SAC) for K-5 students needing after-school supervision.
The Lafayette PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is comprised of parents and teachers who work to improve our school by promoting volunteerism, fundraising for materials and supplies for teachers, and parent/family involvement in the school community. The SAC (School Accountability Committee) consists of parents and staff members engaged in the process of analyzing school equity, achievement, and climate data to set goals for continuous improvement. We have parent members on the district accountability committee, special education advocacy groups, and district parent council.